The purpose of this statement is to provide maximum transparency regarding the information collected by the site and how it is used.
We think to do something pleasing to everyone by presenting our privacy policy in the simplest and most understandable possible way.
This site complies with the European norm 679/2016 [GDPR, European regulation for the protection of personal data] and with Italian legislation, Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 n. 196 [rules regarding the protection of personal data] and subsequent amendments.

We respect and protect the privacy of visitors and customers.
Our site does not sell to third parties any type of data provided by users.

Goods destination addresses

We collect the destination addresses of the goods for the sole purpose of processing orders and complying with fiscal and commercial rules.

Email address for Newsletter

The email address relating to the newsletter is stored in a separate list, this list is used only to send information about our commercial initiatives that may be interesting for the visitor and the customer.

Cancellation of the address provided for the newsletter

The user who provided address and consent for sending the newsletter, at any time, can request immediate cancellation by sending a simple email to our customer service: contact us

Use and cancellation of cookies

The cookies sent have two different purposes:
optimize navigation and provide the visitor with the best experience on the site,
collect anonymous information for the sole purpose of making statistical surveys.
You are free to accept or decline the use of cookies. We remind you that each browser, with a few simple clicks, has the ability to delete all cookies saved on your computer from any site; we do not deep into the topic because on the internet you can find many pages, easy to read or even very technical, for those who want to know more details.